Saturday, January 8, 2011

Mallabu Barbi Trailer!

I know I'm not the pink Barbi girl but it was a good price for the condition it was in. This morning I woke up and did my usual chores then after got on ksl like I've done so many times before just to look but then for some reason I liked how well kept it was and new tiers and electrical... I dont know. But I called to look at it and the next think I know its at my house....


  1. Exciting! You know if you don't like a Malibu style you could get a new paint job? My bro. that lives in Vegas does that quite a bit, I'm not sure how much he charges, but he does a really good job.

  2. Now all you need is something to drag it...maybe hook the horses up to it?

  3. haha i still plan to get a truck and i was just gunna change the colors :)

  4. How much did you pay for that beauty?
