Sunday, January 23, 2011

Chears to the future!

I've finally can say that I'm moving on... but being lonely is the hardest part. 19 and I have no friends, no boyfriend, 50hr a week working job, responsibilities that would blow any 21yr old away and yet I want more just to stay busy, to keep my mind busy. Summer, summer come to me. Summer: the opportunity to have fun and work harder. My life is in my hands and in Gods. If only life would have a bit more color.... They say it is coming and fast... Just waiting... Lonely... I've got my animals.... a real friend would be nice. "All dressed up and no where to go."
Lone Lizzy


  1. :( That is how I felt at 19 too! What really helped me was when I moved out & got room mates. Those girls became my best friends (& still are) Obviously you don't have to do that to find good friends. We would love to be your friend. If you ever get too bored or lonely call us! I am almost always home & have no car to get away even if I wanted :) You deserve a happy life surrounded by good people who care about you and with your positive attitude I know you will get there. It's tricky to find real-genuine people sometimes isn't it?

  2. Oh Lizzy, I'll be your friend...I still have that gift certificate to Blue Lemon ;)

  3. This makes me so sad! We want to be your friends! We should all get together and do a game night or something! That would be fun :] I went through a stage like this too. When I was switching up my lifestyle, I lost a LOT of friends, because none of them were heading in the direction I wanted my life to go in. It was really hard, and lonely, but eventually I was able to find a few good, genuine friends, and more than that, I realized that my family was what would always be there, no matter what. This lonely stage will pass. You'll meet some awesome people and you'll be so far ahead of the game because of all of your hard work and responsibility! Keep your chin up and call is you ever get bored! :]

  4. Oh, Amy your friend are right here. Nid, This is an awesome time to be free. Don't worry about all the friends (usually fake at your age), and boy friends that i will need to kill!!!! they will come soon enough, enjoy that freedom. Your an amazing girl and there is a lukey man (not boy)out there that will.Just try and better yourself and everything wlws will take care of its self. ps your sisters will be your best friends through your life.
